How do you lead effectively in our rapidly changing world?

It's time for a new era of leadership. One where self-awareness fuels our decisions, where emotional mastery guides us through the toughest corners, and where our intuition and gratitude drive us across the finish line.

Knowing yourself, trusting yourself, and being true to yourself are not just ideals. They are the foundation of effective leadership. Your results will be amplified when you lead from the inside out using our powerful 4G Formula. Empowering you to navigate rapid and complex change, team challenges and dips in productivity.

This is exciting because it means all the solutions you search for are within you. Right now. We help you find them. Our role is to help you go deeper, clearly define your strategy, create a plan, and address any obstacles you encounter.

As your coach, we’ll be in your corner to provide encouragement and accountability. Ultimately, we guide you towards unlocking your inherent leadership capabilities, enabling you to confidently lead from the inside out.


Your Coach

With a profound understanding of leadership dynamics and mindset development, Brenda James is the driving force behind Leadership Reboot, and deeply committed to guiding you to power up your impact and leverage as a leader.

Brenda has a distinguished career spanning over 20 years in recruitment, coaching, and human resources. She leads clients and audiences through a proven four-step formula to challenge self-imposed limitations and doubts in the pursuit of clarity and empowerment.

Her expertise, coupled with an unwavering dedication to results, makes her a sought-after coach for those seeking to navigate the complexities of leadership and life.

What we offer

  • As a leader in today’s business world, you want to nurture a productive and cohesive team. One built on trust.

    But in a demanding, high-pressure workplace, it can often feel like there’s no time to spare. And no room for error – when it comes to achieving leadership or team results.

    That’s why most great leaders don’t go it alone. They have a secret (it’s called a coach).


  • Who do you talk to as a senior leader when you are unsure if you are on the right path?

    Whether you are seeking personal growth, career clarity, or a deeper connection with your inner self, this program is designed to empower you on your career path and lead you to make the best next career choice for you.


  • For anyone keen to increase thier energy, focus, productivity, mental clarity, mindfulness and emotional strength.

    You’ll gain valuable tools to help find peace amidst life’s ever-growing demands.


  • Item descriptioLearn mindset hacks to transform your approach, build lasting client relationships, and smash your sales targets.

    We blend cutting-edge strategies with psychological insights to empower you to navigate the complexities of the modern sales landscape with confidence and finesse.


  • If there is one thing we’ve learned in the last five years, it’s that Leadership isn't static; it's dynamic, it’s ever-evolving, and it challenges us to our core.

    This quote by Albert Einstein is perfect for today’s environment “The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size”.

    In her keynote, Brenda opens leaders’ minds to possibility by sharing a technique that takes us back to basics. Guiding leaders to rediscover the essence of leadership in its purest form.


  • Invite Brenda to MC your event and she will masterfully design and facilitate impactful learning for your audience.

    As your event is unique to you, we begin with a discovery session so that we can present you with an impactful proposed agenda


  • Led by Brenda, a talented leadership and mindset coach, this session dives into self-awareness, emotional mastery, and the power of choice—with an overall message of well-being.

    In a practical workshop packed with insights, your team will learn to navigate work and life's ups and downs with more grace and grit. Brenda brings stories, exercises, and fun to make learning stick and inspire real change.


  • The Emotions and Behaviours at work, Business Emotional Intelligence is a simple psychology based online assessment that measures eight key factors that impact your EQ at work.

    Decisiveness, Motivation, Influence, Adaptability, Stress Resilience, Conscientiousness, and Empathy.